Friday, August 12, 2011


5 weeks till School
Not looking forewords For it.
As long as I remember I had a burning hate for school, Just having to sit in a small space  for six hours a day five days a week for 9 months. I think is a big  waste. Why do we young people have to go to school for 13 years, and most of the stuff you learn you don't use after your done school. A waste of my time but it got to happen because you can't get a job without a high school education Now days.

 Now for some people they enjoy school and love to wake at seven o'clock 5 days a week just to go to school, But am not one of those students, I rather just stay in bed till twelve get up then go to work.
But NO, it's the law to go to school till your eighteen in Canada, better yet they actually are going to start  fining those who don't go school, Another way for the Canadian government to milk money out of are 
pocket's (not that they need more money). The sad thing is that in the last couple year I've been a total slacker. I've also fail grade seven for not bothering to go (Am in grade ten Now). 

My reason is that I've never found my lesson any fun and I never have people who are actually good quality friend before in my classes(expect my second semester, but I  had only one good class.) I've always been put in a class with assholes, Bitches and gang members. Which in the end I always just sit in my desk and do absolutely but  listing to music staring out the window daydreaming about Gackt(Japanese Hotness).
And there wondering why I miss school so much and I know it just not that but yeah.

But it not just that reason. I've always had a problem with school. I guess from bullying during my childhood, which cause me to have problem with trust toward other classmate's.  Now bullying isn't a problem for me now days. 

And know how the school's have tough policy's on bully's now day, Well my question is what the hell do these policy's do ? My Reason for this is that every time I see bullying happen in hallways of the school, there is usually a teacher standing a flew feet away from what's happening, Which I find weird that the teacher is doing nothing and I know that they know what happening. What happen to nailing down on the bullying in school's? 
And i know for a fact it doesn't just happen in my school But happens all around Winnipeg (I know because my friends from other division see it happening in there school's as well).

But hopefully this school year will be different and there won't be much bullying, Gang activity's, Girl stealing other girls boyfriend and jocks being jocks. And actually getting good marks.
And maybe a Boyfriend !

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