Saturday, October 15, 2011

Visual Kei haters

Saw this on Tumblr and frankly it's True, And I decided to put it up here!
For those who Don't Have Tumblr. ~Jessica~

Visual Kei haters…
This topic has been on my mind a lot lately. I’m in the workings of starting a movement here. Some people are saying that VK is dying. I like to think that it’s evolving. It doesn’t look the same as it did when I was a kid, that’s for certain, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t still here.

The first thing that people say is: “It’s about the looks and not the music! It’s all so fake!”

I say, I’d like you to find a man who wears his heart on his sleeve or sings more honest lyrics than RUKI from The GazettE.

They say things about how men in make up must all be -whatever gay slur you chose-, when these guys put in more late nights and sweat and tears than you can probably fathom.

They say that they’re rockstars with rockstar tempers living in a world of privilege.

I say we’re privileged to be graced with their talent and their unique view on things. I remind them of people like Aoi from the GazettE and how he went to Tokyo with little more than his guitar on his back and a few hundred dollars— and a dream.

I hear them say it over and over, that it’s not real music. There’s a reason I live for Visual Kei, and it’s got little to do with the glitz, the glam, and all of the pretty men (though that is a perk). It’s because every one of us is a slave to a society, whether that be in Japan, Europe, America— you name it. We all know what it’s like to wear a mask in order to survive. It’s required of us. These are men and in some cases, women, who are putting o na mask in order to take their old ones off. In order to say the things no one else can say, to rejoice in the things that are taboo and quite simply human nature.

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